Tao Te Ching
Sixty Interactive Translations

Print Sources

Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching) translated, with translator's preface, glossary, and pronunciation guide, by Stephen Addiss and Stanley Lombardo; with paintings by Stephen Addiss, introduced by Burton Watson. 1993. Hackett Publishing ISBN 0-87220-232-1

Tao The King by Lao Tzu: Interpreted as Nature and Intelligence by Archie J. Bahm. 1958 (Fourth printing 1967). Frederick Ungar Publishing Company. 

The Way of Life Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching: The Classic Translation and Introduction by R.B. Blackney.  1983. Mentor Books ISBN 0-451-62674-5

The Way of Life by Witter Bynner (Oh my, I appear to have given it away again; that makes about 20 I've bought and given away), but we all know it and I hope it's still sold in bookstores

The Way of Lao Tzu (Tao-te Ching) Translated, with introductory essays, comments, and notes, by Wing-Tsit Chan. 1963. The Bobbs-Merrill Company Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 62-21266

On Lao Tzu by David Hong Cheng. 2000. Wadsworth. Belmont. ISBN 0-534-57609-5

The Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang Tzu Translated and Presented by Thomas Cleary. 1991. HarperSanFrancisco ISBN 0-06-250216-6

The Dao De Ching by Lao Zi (Aleister Crowley). 1980. In The Equinox Vol. V No. 3. Thelema Publishing ISBN 0-933454-02-3

Tao Te Ching The Book of the Way and Its Virtue translated from the Chinese and Annotated by J.J.L. Duyvendak. 1954. John Murray. London

Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei translated by Dwight Goddard. 1919. Brentano's Publishers. New York.

The Tao of Leadership; Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching adapted for a New Age by John Heider. 1985. Humanics Limited. Atlanta. ISBN 0-89334-079-0

A Taoist Classic The Book of Laozi by Ren Jiyu (translated by He Guanghu, Gao Shining, Song Lidao and Xu Junyao). 1993. Foreign Languages Press. Beijing. ISBN 7-119-01571-0

The Tao of the Tao Te Ching by Michael LaFargue. 1992. State University of New York Press. Albany.  ISBN 0-7914-0986-4 

The Texts of Taoism The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu translated by James Legge. 1962 (copy of 1891 Sacred Books of the East).Dover Books. New York

God, As Nature Sees God: A Christian Reading of the Tao Te Ching by John R. Mabry. 1994. Element Books ISBN 1-85230-594-0

Tao Teh King by Lao Tzu: A Tentative Translation from the Chinese by Isabella Mears. 1922. Theosophical Publishing House. London

The Tao-Teh-King: Sayings of Lao-Tzu translated with commentary by C. Spurgeon Medhurst. 1972 (Revised Quest Book edition of 1905 original). Theosophical Publishing House. Wheaton. ISBN 0-8356-0430-6

Tao Te Ching: A New English Version, with Foreword and Notes by Stephen Mitchell. 1991. HarperPerennial ISBN 0-06-091608-7

Tao: The Way of the Ways translated and with a commentary by Herrymon Maurer. 1986. Wildwood House. (Copyright Herrymon Maurer 1982) Aldershot. ISBN 0-7045-0527-4

The Simple Way: Laotze (The 'Old Boy'): A new translation of the Tao-Teh-King with Introduction and Commentary by Walter Gorn Old (Third Edition). 1922. William Rider & Son. London

The Way of Acceptance A New Version of Lao Tse's Tao Te Ching by Herman Ould. 1946. Andrew Dakers. London

Lao Tzu's TaoteChing translated by Red Pine with Selected commentaries of the past 2000 years. 1996. Mercury House ISBN 1-56279-085-4

Dao De Jing The Book of the Way Laozi. Translation and Commentary by Moss Roberts. 2001. University of California Press. Berkeley. ISBN 0-520-20555-3

Tao Teh Ching (Lao Tse's Book of Life) Introduction and Commentary by K.O. Schmidt. 1975 (translated from the 1961 German edition by Leone Muller). CSA Press. Lakemont. ISBN 0-87707-148-9

Tao Te Ching The Definitive Edition Lao Tzu; translation and commentary by Jonathan Star. 2000. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam. New York. ISBN 1-58542-099-9

Tao Te Ching Translated from the Chinese by Ch'u Ta-Kao. 1982. Mandala Books ISBN 0-04-299011-4

The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu Translated by Brian Browne Walker. 1995. St. Martin's Press ISBN 0-312-13190-9

Wisdom of the Daoist Masters: The Works of Lao Zi (Lao Tzu), Lie Zi (Lieh Tzu), Zhuang Zi (Chuang Tzu) rendered into English by Derek Bryce from the French of Leon Wieger's Les Peres du System Taoiste (Cathasia, Les Belles Lettres, Paris). 1984. Liarech Enterprises

Lao Tzu Tao Teh Ching Translated by John C.H. Wu. 1989. Shambala Publications ISBN 0-87773-388-0

The Wisdom of Laotse Translated, edited and with an introduction and notes by Lin Yutang. 194. The Modern Library. New York


Online sources



Byrn, T.







Hu-ever (A pun on Whoever - an unnamed source)














Tienzen Gong






World Peace


Other Translations available but not used

Tao Te Ching The Book of Perfectibility. Concord Grove Press, London. 1983

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching translated by Robert G. Henricks. Ballantine Books, New York. 1989

The Light of China The Tao Teh King of Lao Tsze 604-504 B.C.: An accurate metrical rendering, translated directly from the Chinese text, and critically compared with the standard translations, the ancient and modern CHinese commentaries, and all accessible authoirities with preface, analytical index, and full list of important words and their radical significations by I.W. Heysinger. 1903. Research Publishing Company. Philadelphia

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching translated by D.C. Lau. Penguin Books, London. 1963

A Translation of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and Wang Pi's Commentary by Paul J. Lin. University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies, Ann Arbor. 1977

Tao Te Ching translated by Victor H. Mair. Bantam Books, New York 1990 and Quality Paperback Book Club, New York 1998

Shrine of Wisdom - an older, incomplete version available here

Chinese Mystics by Raymond Van Over. Harper & Row, New York. 1973

Commentary on the Lao Tzu by Wang Pi by Ariane Rump and Wing-tsit Chan. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. 1979

The Way and Its Power by Arthur Waley. George Allen & Unwin, London. 1968 (reprinnt of 1934 edition)

The Guiding Light of Lao Tzu translated by Henry Wei. Quest Books, New York. 1982

The Tao of Power translated by R.L. Wing. Dolphin, Doubleday, New York. 1986

Other Readings

Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching Edited by Livia Kohn and Michael LaFargue. State University of New York Press 1998 ISBN 0-7914-3600-4


Enter Lao Tzu or Tao Teh Ching into any web search engine and literally thousands of links appear from out of the cyber void. (Where to start? What am I looking for? Why am I here?). Ok. Ok. Enough already ... invoke a searcher ... try not to get lost! Or, if you are on a live connection try these links for some standard and some alternative versions plus lots of links to other Taoist and non-Taoist materials. These may not all work, so it might be better to find your own.

 Tao Teh Ching Translations

Sun Tzu's Chinese Philosophy Page

The Tao Teh Ching by Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu - The Tao Teh Ching

Theosophical Perspectives on World Spiritual Traditions

Tao Teh Ching

Psychedelic Prayers After the Tao Teh Ching

Tao Teh Ching - Table of Contents

Taoism and related information (Arne Morken)

Tao Te Ching


Tao Te Ching

The Tao Te Ching Frames version

The Simple Way of Lao Tzu


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