Publisher's Foreword
(in 55 words)
An old printing industry saw says, "You can't make any money publishing
Apparently true.
Why do so many poetry books get published each year?
I don't know.
So, if just enough people buy
books of poetry to keep printing them, will any of them look at poetry on the
web, for free?
I don't know.
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from a formatted typescript using MicroSoft Front Page in Times New Roman with Bank Gothic Md BT titles, introduction and afterword.
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Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
Poetry? : a lifetime collection
ISBN 0-9682761-3-X
I. Title.
PS8537.P56P63 2000 C811'.6 C00-901541-8
PR9199.3.S66P63 2000 |
© Mobilewords Limited 2000
(e-book 2002) (Revised e-book 2013)