Weather conditions summary table
Precipitation | Days | Wind | Days |
Snow | 29 | Calm | 21 |
Rain | 30 | Light | 87 |
Fog | 4 | Fresh | 19 |
Clear | 183 | Moderate | 43 |
Strong | 48 |
Some other wind descriptions are hardly scientific but beautifully descriptive nontheless:
Wind type | Days | Wind type | Days |
hardly a breath | 3 | practically no wind | 3 |
scarcely any | 1 | slight | 4 |
variable | 5 | fairly stiff | 1 |
stiff | 1 | sharp | 1 |
blustering | 2 | half a gale | 4 |
gale | 1 |
The observers apparently did not have an anemometer, so wind speed was estimated and
assigned a category, similar to the modern scale shown below. Knots are nautical miles per hour; mph are statute
miles per hour; km/h are kilometres per hour; and, Beau refers to the Beaufort wind scale.
Wind | knots | mph | km/h | Beau |
Light | <14 | <16 | <26 | 4 |
Moderate | 15-19 | 17-22 | 28-35 | 4-5 |
Strong | 20-33 | 23-38 | 37-61 | 5-7 |
Gale | 34-47 | 39-54 | 63-86 | 8-9 |
Storm | 48-63 | 55-73 | 89-117 | 10-11 |
Hurricane | >63 | >73 | >117 | 11 |