HBC competitors were nothing new, in fact, some HBC Posts were established in places where other traders had been operating for years before. As well, whalers, geologists, and explorers had established trading contacts with Hudson's Strait Inuit for 300 years previously. The Opposition's arrival in Erik Cove was known about, through Inuit travelers before they actually arrived.
07-08-20 | The Ivik arrived from Sugluk this forenoon, Koopagaulook was on board ... [he] was on-board the Ship which passed here 3rd inst. and they told him on board that they are a new Company and that they are establishing a Post near, or at Wolstenholme this fall. It is evident that we are in for lively times this coming year. |
On 02 September 1920 the "Opposition Ship" Theatis arrived in Erik Cove "with the intention it seems, of erecting a trading Post in Opposition to the Company." The Post journal entries that follow continue the Opposition saga as seen through Nichols' eyes. Nichols' attitude toward the Inuit traders and hunters at Wolstenholme is peculiarly jaded, and he wrote very sarcastically and critically of his employees and their families. Edmunds wife, for example, the Post cook, Nichols describes as lazy when her pregnancy interrupts her duties. Nichols returned from a year of furlough after three years of previous service at Wolstenholme between 1916 and 1918. Inuit euphemisms are not corrected in this transcription.
02-09-20 | Capt. Smith, Mr. Ridley, and Mr. Colebrook, formerly Servants of the H.B.C. gave us a call and requested us to show them the boundry lines of the Co's land, which we did, and evidently they came to the conclusion that a fit place for building at Wolstenholme was hard to find, they asked many questions concerning Wolstenholme and received answers, satisfactory to the questioned, if not to the questioner. They tried to give us to understand that they did not intend to establish here, and after wishing us a pleasant, and a successful year they went on-board their ship, but we were nothing surprised to see them start landing cargo next morning, and then to start building a small house. Whether they are here to stay remains to be seen, but this year we hope to make clear to them that the trade at this place is not so easy to get as they seem to expect and are looking forward to what will happen when they fail to get enough trade to support their Post. |
30-09-20 | Opposition men seem to be sick, to judge by appearances we should say that it is a failing of the legs, or perhaps, too much stimulant to the head. All the Natives got away for their Hunting grounds and we are hoping that they will not bother us again for, at least, two months, but we know from experience that we are hoping for the almost impossible, more especially, now that there are two companies here. The Opposition have started as report said they would, they told our Natives that they woulld pay a bigger price for furs than we would, they are feeding the Natives on the best of grub, jam, Milk, Sugar, Cheese, and the best of butter, and if we are to keep up with them it will increase our Gratuities 500%, and I am afraid that we willl have to follow their lead as the best means of holding an Eskimo is through his stomach. |
02-10-20 | Five Natives arrived with nothing to trade, but that did not prevent them expecting all they asked for. Opposition reported to be paying 15 skins (3.00) for a pair of skin boots, we are quite willing to let them buy all that are made here at that price. |
31-10-20 | The Eskimos have been arriving almost every day and the expense in feeding them will be increased fully 500% on other years, more especially as the Opposition are feeding them on the very best of grub, and we have to do the same .... On the 17th the Opposition set out their trps but up to date have caught nothing, and judging by the sign they are not likely to catch anything. We will set ours on the 1-st Nov. as per game laws. ... We hear that the Oppostion gave one of our men a Remington Rifle and Cartridges for a present, this man "David" is one of the most troublesome men we had an we are not at all put out by loosing [sic] him. He received this present while the Opposit. shop was here and we heard nothing of it untill now. Today "Sunday" Burgess [Opposition trader] and his Son went out to Bear Cove hunting and as the wind was too strong to row against they left their boat at Bear Cove, only to discover later that it was broken up by heavy seas, this is the Opposition's first loss at Wolstenholme, it may not be their last. |
04-11-20 | We hear to-day that the Opposition are paying 100 skins for a fox, which is 25 skins more than we are paying, they are also selling their goods much lower than we, and it is beginning to cause a little trouble. However as they have done no trading yet, we will not increase our price untill we are absolutely sure of what they are going to do. |
05-11-20 | Called on the Opposition this afternoon to request the removal of traps which Burgess set on my trapping grounds. After some consideration they gave their assurance that they would remove them next day. |
02-12-20 | The Opposition offered Henry a Remmington Rifle and two hundred Cartridges for nothing if he would go over to them. But after talking to him for some time I persuaded him that he would do better for himself if he stayed where he belonged, which he did and seems to be quite satisfied. |
13-12-20 | The Opposition made very determined efforts to secure some of our hunters to day, but with the exception of one of the French Co.'s men, failed in every instance. We hear that some of the Wakeham Bay people are coming down herre to have a look at the new Co.. We trust that the man in charge at W.B. will keep the H.B. men from coming here, as, if they do come, it wil be more expense at this Post to keep them from going to the Opposition. The Opposition increased the price of foxes to 200 skins to-day, let them add another 40 skins and they may buy all the foxes that are caught for that price. |
22-12-20 | We hear that the Opposition have promised our hunters a better Xmas than we will give them, they have already given them three plugs tobacco and one doz. Matches each, which the Natives took and said nothing, we will see what will happen when Xmas is over, on this side. |
31-12-20 | Gave them [Inuit] their Xmas on the 27-th. which they seemed to enjoy very much, and all left post on the 28-th. without even thinking of the Xmas the Opposition though of giving them. |
15-01-21 | The Opposition advanced the price of Fur to 225 skins (45.00) And have paid it to one of men who traded a fox there. The following is a list of the goods that he received for it. |
1 pr. black mole. Trousers | 10.00 | 50 | skins |
10 lbs. Lard | 7.00 | 35 | " |
1 axe Handle | 2.00 | 10 | " |
1 checker Board | 1.00 | 5 | " |
2 lbs. chewing Tobacco | 4.00 | 20 | " |
1 white Blanket | 16.00 | 80 | " |
5 lbs. Sugar | 2.00 | 10 | " |
1 men's Shirt | 5.00 | 15 | " |
$ 45.00 | 225 | skins |
17-01-21 | The system practiced by the Opposition in treating with the Eskimo when they arrive at the Post, is, I think? the quickest possible way to make them absolutely useless. When they arrive at the Post they are given to eat, Milk, fancy biscuit, Cheese, tinned Meat, Jam, and creamery Butter. as well as Matches, Tobacco and a wood Pipe as Present, is it any wonder that the Natives keep arriving at the Post regular every week?. We are now short of some of our best selling stock and we are finding it difficult to satisfy our hunters. |
03-02-21 | The Opposition were very lively to-day trying to get our hunters to trade with them, and they offered all sorts of inducements, but we still hold our hunters solid, and will continue to do so. |
06-02-21 | Talking to the Natives from Sugluk and promised them that we would put a small post at Sugluk next spring. as we understand that is what the Opposition are thinking of doing, and the first on the ground will hold the Natives. |
14-02-21 | Tiyaga who is absolutely useless to the Co. has been sent to the Opposition. |
16-02-21 | The Opposition are starting another campaign and it seems they are outdoing all other attempts to secure our hunters, they have given instructions to the Man that was sent away from here yesterday, to tell all the Natives that they may have anything which they like to ask for, if they would go to them with their fur. Tiyaga went away this forenoon with [2]00 lbs. Biscuit, 1 bag Flour. i bag Sugar. a Rifle and many other Goods, which would take up too much time to itemize. I am afraid that if we wish to check their efforts our expenses will be out of all proportion to what we expected. |
20-02-21 | Kutarkalook and Kopeak [who arrived from Sugluk with others] belong to W.B. [Wakeham Bay] and they bring along a woeful tale of starvation and God only knows what not. Kutarkalook is absolutely helpless and one of the worse bums that ever walked on two legs, and after making inquiries to find out how much would satisfy him, we thought it best to transfer him to the Opposition, as I think the Company is not quite prepared to set up as a charity distributing board. |