Weather temperatures were usually recorded from a pair of thermometers,
one with a marker for the maximum achieved, the other with a marker for
the minimum achieved. Sometimes a "wet bulb" thermometer is used to calculate "dew point", the temperature at which precipitation begins. As they are delicate instruments, likely to break with rough handling, temperature record gaps may result from breakage. Mercury and alcohol thermometers also have
a low temperature limit below which they must be taken inside; this may contribute to
winter data gaps.
A table shows the number of Days for which a complete record was made each month followed by the maximum
(Max Obs) and minimum (Min Obs) observed temperatures for the month.
In the next two columns are the maximum (Max Rec) and minimum (Min Rec)
recorded (not observed) temperatures for the month. The final four columns show the
Date of the greatest daily change (Range) for each month along with the maximum
(Day Max) and minimum (Day Min) for that day. A second table gives the
same data converted to Celcius.
table in Farenheit
March 1921 shows 19 days of records but only 11 have a minimum recorded temperature.
No records were kept for September and October 1920 or for April and May 1921.
Month | Days | Max
Obs |
Obs |
Rec |
Rec |
Date | Range | Day
Max |
Min |
May | 28 | 48.0 | 30.0 | 54.0 | 20.0 | 31 | 22.0 | 54.0 | 32.0 |
Jun | 29 | 60.0 | 34.0 | 68.0 | 28.0 | 20 | 34.0 | 68.0 | 34.0 |
Jul | 28 | 64.0 | 38.0 | 69.0 | 34.0 | 4 | 29.0 | 67.0 | 38.0 |
Aug | 3 | 50.0 | 45.0 | 53.0 | 37.0 | 1 | 14.0 | 53.0 | 39.0 |
Nov | 7 | 7.1 | -22.3 | 11.8 | -23.8 | 30 | 31.6 | 8.5 | -23.1 |
Dec | 28 | 16.3 | -25.5 | 22.6 | -25.9 | 5 | 39.8 | 18.9 | -20.9 |
Jan | 30 | 7.9 | -35.1 | 10.6 | -38.1 | 1 | 24.6 | -1.2 | -25.8 |
Feb | 28 | 5.0 | -37.3 | 8.5 | -41.2 | 11 | 41.5 | 8.0 | -33.5 |
Mar | 19 | 8.2 | -27.3 | 10.1 | -29.5 | 10 | 31.0 | 2.5 | -28.5 |
Month | Days | Max
Obs |
Obs |
Rec |
Rec |
Date | Range | Day
Max |
Min |
May | 28 | 8.9 | -1.1 | 12.2 | -6.7 | 31 | 12.2 | 12.2 | 0.0 |
Jun | 29 | 15.6 | 1.1 | 20.0 | -2.2 | 20 | 18.9 | 20.0 | 1.1 |
Jul | 28 | 17.8 | 3.3 | 20.6 | 1.1 | 4 | 16.1 | 19.4 | 3.3 |
Aug | 3 | 10.0 | 7.2 | 11.7 | 2.8 | 1 | 7.8 | 11.7 | 3.9 |
Nov | 7 | -13.8 | -30.2 | -11.2 | -31.0 | 30 | 17.6 | -13.1 | -30.6 |
Dec | 28 | -8.7 | -31.9 | -5.2 | -32.2 | 5 | 22.1 | -7.3 | -29.4 |
Jan | 30 | -13.4 | -37.3 | -11.9 | -38.9 | 1 | 13.7 | -18.4 | -32.1 |
Feb | 28 | -15.0 | -38.5 | -13.1 | -40.7 | 11 | 23.1 | -13.3 | -36.4 |
Mar | 19 | -13.2 | -32.9 | -12.2 | -34.2 | 10 | 17.2 | -16.4 | -33.6 |