01-05-21 | Nothing of importance occurred
02-05-21 | S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit with
Jas. Palliser interpreting. M. Leo Manning serving in Store.
Jamassie, Kipernik and Sandy clearing snow from front of stores. Mr.
Cantley arrived from Dorset this evening accompanied by Mr. Pennell.
03-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, and W.J.
Pennell at office work. M. Leo Manning serving in store. Jas.
Palliser at odd jobs. Jamassie and Sargieuktuk, Echeok, Sandy and
Kipernik at odd jobs. Inoosil and Petanie cleaning sealskins.
04-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, W.J. Pennell
at office work. M.L. Manning working in store. Jas. Palliser doing some
carpenter work. Inuit employed as on Yesterday.
05-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, W.J. Pennell
and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser and Sargieuktuk taking lead
and Powder out of 45/90 Cartridges and "Sniders". Sandy and
Kipernik cleaning foxes. Jamassie and Eecheok putting sealskins on store
walls to dry. Petanie, Inossil and Jamassie's wife skin-cleaning.
06-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, W.J. Pennell,
and M.L. Manning at office work. James Palliser at odd jobs. Jamassie and
Eecheok hanging out sealskins to dry. Kipernik and Sandy cleaning foxes.
Petanie, Inossil and Jamassie's wife skin cleaning.
07-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley and W.J.
Pennell at office work. M.L. Manning rationing Mess and Skin cleaners and
Servants' Wives. Jamassie "A", Sargieuktuk, Sandy, and Kipernik cleaning
up Post grounds. Jamassie "B" and Eecheok at odd jobs. Jas. Palliser
making packet box. Inossil, Petanie and Jamassie's Wife skin cleaning.
08-05-21 | Nothing of importance occurred today.
09-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley and W.J.
Pennell at office work. M.L. Manning took up his traps and at office work.
Jas. Palliser at odd jobs. Inuit employed at various odd jobs around
Post. Petanie, Jamassie's Wife and Eecheok skin-cleaning.
10-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning
and W.J. Pennell at office work. Jamassie, Eecheok and Kipernik sifting
ashes. Petanie, Jamassie's Wife, Inoosil and Eecheok's wife skin
cleaning. Jas. Palliser, Adam, Sargieuktuk and Sandy left for a deer hunt
and will be gone for a week.
11-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley and W.J.
Pennell at office work. M. Leo Manning working in store and also in
office. Jamassie, Eecheok, and Kipernik sifting ashes. Petanie, Inoosil,
Jamassie's and Eecheok's Wives skin cleaning.
12-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, W.J. Pennell
and M.L. Manning at office work. Jamassie, Kipernik, and Eecheok getting
sealskins ready for packing and making necessary repairs to Fur Press.
Petanie, Inoosil and Eecheok's and Jamassie's Wives skin cleaning.
13-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell, J. Cantley
and M.L. Manning at office work. Inoosil, Petanie, Jamassie's and Eecheok's
wives skin-cleaning. Jamassie, Kipernik and Eecheok repairing Fur Press
and at odd jobs.
14-05-21 | S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit. W.J.
Pennell and J. Cantley at office work. M.L. Manning serving in store,
Rationing Mess and Post Labourers. Jamassie, Eecheok and Kipernik
cleaning up Post. Inossil, Petanie, Eecheok's wife and Jamassie's wife
15-05-21 | Nothing of importance occurred today. J.
Palliser, Isheuktuk, Sargieuktuk and Sandy arrived from Deer country with
only 5 deer.
16-05-21 | S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning taking
Inventory in store S.J. Cantley and W.J. Pennell at office work. Jas.
Palliser, Sargieuktuk, Jamassie, Sandy and Kipernik at odd jobs.
Isheuktuk and Eecheok cleaning up Nannuk's Engine. Women skin cleaning.
17-05-21 | S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning taking
Inventory of Nos. 1,10, 4 and 5 Stores and also of Post grounds. S.J. Cantley
and W.J. Pennell at office work. Jas. Palliser at odd jobs.
Sargieuktuk cleaning up lumber from back of No. 1 Store. Jamassie hanging
out sealskins to dry. Eecheok and Isheuktuk working at Nannuk's
Engine. Sandy and Kipernik sifting ashes. Inoosil, Petanie and Eecheok's
Wife skin cleaning. First bunch of geese seen today.
18-05-21 | S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning taking
Inventory of Lumber, Barrels, etc. Sandy, Kipernik and Jamassie at Seal Net.
Sargieuktuk "bringing-to" seal net. Owing to it being wet today, the
women were not working at sealskins, J. Cantley and W.J. Pennell at
office work. 1st Bunch of Ducks passed today.
19-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, W.J. Pennell,
and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Sargieuktuk, Jamassie,
Sandy and Kipernik at odd jobs. Eecheok and Isheuktuk at
Nannuk's Engine. Women skin cleaning.
20-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, W.J. Pennell
and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Sargieuktuk, and Jamassie
piling up lumber on Post. Sandy and Kipernik cleaning up Post. Isheuktuk
and Eecheok working on Nannuk's engine. Women sewing bags into
strips for packing fur.
21-05-21 | S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit and at
office work. J. Cantley and W.J. Pennell at office work. J. Cantley and W.J.
Pennell at office work. M.L. Manning rationing Mess and Servants' Wives
and Post Labourers, serving in store and cleaning up stores. Jas.
Palliser, Sargieuktuk, and Jamassie piling up Lumber on Post. Women
cleaning up Post grounds. Isheuktuk and Sargieuktuk off for hunt getting
some Ducks (1st for season).
22-05-21 | Kidlapik held in the forenoon and also
in the night. Arrivals: One son to Mr. And Mrs. Jas. Palliser at 10:45 P.M.
Congrats to James.
23-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell and M.L.
Manning at office work. J. Cantley and Adam at Carpenter work. Jas. Palliser
and Jamassie packing Sealskins, Jamassie's wife and Eecheok's wife
skin cleaning. Inoosil and Petanie cleaning Bearskins. Sargieuktuk
bringing to Seal Nets. Kipernik and Sandy hanging out Sealskins to dry.
Isheuktuk and Eecheok at Nannuk's engine.
24-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell and M.L.
Manning at office work. Mr. Cantley, with Adam, making bookshelf for
bedroom. Jas. Palliser and Jamassie "B" packing Sealskins; Inoosil and
Petanie cleaning Bearskins; Kipernik and Sandy hanging out foxes and
Sealskins to dry. Sargieuktuk "bringing-to"Seal net. Eecheok and
Isheuktuk at Nannuk's engine. Kidlapik went for a week's
seal hunting today.
25-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell and M.L.
Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Adam and Sargieuktuk planing boards
for new bedroom. Mr. Cantley putting up Beaver Board and painting in
bedroom. Jamassie, Sandy and Kipernik putting out Sealskins to dry.
Inoosil and Petanie at odd jobs. Eecheok's Wife and Jamassie's wife
cleaning skins. Eecheok and Isheuktuk at Nannuk's engine.
26-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell and M.L.
Manning at office work. J. Cantley and Adam painting bedroom. Jas. Palliser
and Sargieuktuk planing boards for guardroom. Jamassie, Sandy and
Kipernik at seal nets. Women sewing bags into large strips for baling
Furs. Eecheok and Isheuktuk at Daryl's engine.
27-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell and M.L.
Manning at office work. J. Cantley and Adam painting bedroom. Jas. Palliser
and Sargieuktuk planing and painting boards for the guardroom. Women,
Sandy, Jamassie and Kipernik cleaning up Post in morning and in the
afternoon at odd jobs. Eecheok and Isheuktuk at Daryl's Engine.
28-05-21 | S.J. Stewart at office work and trading
with Inuit. J. Cantley and Adam at carpenter work. W.J. Pennell at office
work. M. Leo Manning rationing Mess and Post Labourers and trading
in store. Jas. Palliser and Sargieuktuk planing boards for guard room.
Jamassie, Sandy, Kipernik and Women cleaning up Post. Isheuktuk and
Eecheok at Daryl's Engine.
29-05-21 | Kidlapik held service in the forenoon
and night.
30-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell and M.L.
Manning at office work. Mr. Cantley doing carpenter work. Adam, Moosa,
Isheuktuk, Itosiak, Keviaktok and Annogak caulking Nannuk
and Daryl. Mattheusie and Eecheok at Daryl's Engine.
Jas. Palliser and Sargieuktuk planing boards for guest room. Kipernik,
Sandy and Jamassie at Seal Nets. Women cleaning up rooms in dwelling
31-05-21 | S.J. Stewart, W.J. Pennell and M.L.
Manning at office work. Mr. Cantley at carpenter work. Adam, Annogak and
Keviaktok working on Nannuk, caulking her; Mattheusie, Eecheok, Itosiak,
and Moosa, at work on Daryl. Sargieuktuk and Jas. Palliser
planing boards for guardroom. Jamassie and Kipernik and boys at seal
nets. |