June 1920

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01 - 0708 - 1415 - 2122-30
01-06-20Mr. Stewart and Jno. Hayward along with all the Inuit except Jamessie and the women and boys, went out to the old Depot and took in the remaining parts of the house from there in the forenoon. During the forenoon L.A. Learmonth and C. Bradbury working in the store. Jamessie and the boys working with Sealskins, and women cleaning Guard Room and Lower rooms in the house. In the early afternoon all hands employed taking parts of the old Depot house over the barricades to the house and during the remainder of the day C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth working in the store. Women cleaning house, remainder of staff laying foundation for old Depot house which is to be reused on the Post.
02-06-20 The re-erection of old Depot house on the Post was very nearly completed today. Mr. Stewart, John Hayward and all the male Inuit, with the exception of the boys, were employed re-erecting the old Depot house. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth working in office. Boys working at sealskins. Women cleaning out offices and Isheuktuk putting new lining in canoe.
03-06-20 S.J. Stewart at work on, and superintending building operations. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth working in the office. Mooney and Jamessie working at sealskins and fixing up stove for Depot House which is being converted into a kitchen during the next few months for the use of Depot workers. Isheuktuk working at canoes. Women cleaning sealskins. Boys working at sealskins. Remainder of staff working at Depot House.
04-06-20 S.J. Stewart employed as yesterday. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth at work in the office. Isheuktuk and Annogok repairing canoes. Jamessie repairing Pandora stove. John Hayward and remainder of men employed on Inuit kitchen (Depot House) which they completed this evening, excepting fittings which will be finished later. Women scrubbing dwelling House and store also cleaning sealskins.
05-06-20 S.J. Stewart interviewing Inuit and at various other duties. C. Bradbury giving out rations to skin cleaners and at other store duties. L.A. Learmonth at work in the office. During forenoon Isheuktuk and Annogok were repairing canoe; Hayward and Mattheuse rigging up stove in Inuit kitchen and making stove pipes, all other men employed laying off grounds around kitchen and cleaning up Post grounds. Women cleaning Sealskins. In the afternoon Adam, Jno. Hayward, Nowdlak, Godiliak, Kolilak, and Jamessie started off on a hunting expedition which will probably last about a week.
06-06-20 Kidlapik held service in the forenoon and afternoon.
07-06-20 Mr. Stewart interviewing Inuit and at usual duties. C. Bradbury working in store and office. L.A. Learmonth working in office. Isheuktuk repairing large canoe. Mattheuse and Sargieuktuk repairing stove and making stove-pipes, also at Carpenter work in Inuit kitchen. Annogak and Moosa packing Sealskins and furs along with Mr. Stewart, also scraping walls of new kitchen. Mooney and Sandy filling barrels with seal oil. Boys working at Sealskins. Women skin-cleaning.
08-06-20 Mr. Stewart superintending all work going on and at various other duties. C. Bradbury working in store and office. L.A. Learmonth working in office. Isheuktuk and Mattheuse putting pistons in Nannuk's engine. Sargieuktuk and Mooney at Carpenter work in the kitchen. Women making Boots. Boys working at sealskins and filling in veranda with gravel.
09-06-20 Mr. Stewart packing returns and at carpenter work. C. Bradbury working in store and office. Isheuktuk repairing large canoe. Mattheuse and Sargieuktuk at Carpenter work in Inuit Kitchen. Moosa and Annogak scraping black off walls of Inuit Kitchen and packing furs. Mooney and Atamie cutting up Seal fat for boiling. Boys working at Sealskins. Women bringing water and baling Seal and Fox skins.
10-06-20 Mr. Stewart and L.A. Learmonth at work in the office all day. C. Bradbury at work in the office and stencilling bales of fur. Isheuktuk repairing canoes. Mattheuse and Sargieuktuk at Carpenter work in kitchen, also taking biscuit boxes apart and putting biscuit in bags. The board got from boxes is to be used for boarding back of coal shed and No. 4 Store. Mooney and Atamie cutting Seal Fat. Boys at Skins. Women baling returns, scrubbing Isheuktuk's house and Kitchen Stove.
11-06-20 The Inuit, who go hunting, now complain that the ice is so bad on some of the lakes, that they cannot go out on it. Mr. Stewart cut about two feet off the Nannuk's mainsail, also made a box for soaking fish in the brook, and at other odd jobs. C. Bradbury stencilling bales. Isheuktuk painting canoe, also, along with Moosa and Annogak working at Nannuk's mainsail. Mattheuse and Sargieuktuk taking biscuit boxes apart and tying up bales. Women making new canvas covers for Nannuk's hatches. Boys drying codfish, attending sealskins, and putting more gravel on veranda. Mooney and Atamie cutting up seal fat. L.A. Learmonth working in office.
12-06-20 Jno. Hayward, Adam, Nowdlak, Godiliak, Jamessie "B", and Koolilak returned from a week's hunting expedition, getting more than twenty seals between them. The first porpoise for the season was brought in today by Bakkiktak and Okkaleut. Mr. Stewart at usual duties and superintending all work going on around the Post. C. Bradbury giving out Rations to wives of Post Labourers and skin cleaners. L.A. Learmonth in office. Isheuktuk, Moosa, and Annogak working at Nannuk's sail. Remainder of men and boys as on yesterday. Women repairing road etc.
13-06-20 Kidlapik held usual Inuit services. Late in the evening Isheuktuk and Annogak set off on a hunting expedition which will probably last about a week.
14-06-20 Adam, Mattheuse, Sargieuktuk, Nowdlak, Koolilak, and Godiliak were sent off tot he Beacon Island to bring in the lumber from there, with which they duly returned during the evening. Mr. Stewart at work in the office and at usual duties. C. Bradbury at work in the store, stencilling bales etc. etc. L.A. Learmonth working in the office. Mooney and Jamessie cutting up seal fat for boiling, tying bales, etc. Boys working at Sealskins and drying codfish, Women cleaning sealskins. Jno. Hayward indisposed and confined to bed. As the barricade ice around the pier (Depot) has now been sufficiently melted to permit work to commence, Mr. Stewart has sent out word to all the surrounding Inuit to be in here by Wednesday, by which time he intends to have building operations in full swing.
15-06-20 Mr. Stewart at Carpenter work in Inuit Kitchen and later on along with Bradbury laying linoleum in Nannuk's cabin and putting in stove. Sargieuktuk and Godiliak reboarding back of No. 4 Store with board obtained from Biscuit Boxes. Adam and Mattheuse sheathing Nannuk with sheath iron. Moosa and Nowdlak sewing Nannuk's sail and altering reef points. Money, Jamessie and Koolelak employed at Seal Fat. Boys drying codfish, sealskins and later cleaning out slop pit. Neve and Petanie cooking in Inuit Kitchen and other women skin cleaning. L.A. Learmonth at work in office.
16-06-20 Mr. Stewart fixing Stove Pipes and at usual duties. C. Bradbury working in office and at sundry odd duties. L.A. Learmonth working in office. Jno. Hayward still confined to bed, but well on the way to recovery. Adam and Koolilak sheathing Nannuk. Mattheuse and Moosa went outside to bring in Dory. Godiliak and Sargieuktuk boarding up back of No. 2 store. Nowdlak sewing Nannuk's sail. Boys working at sealskins. Women cleaning sealskins. Several families of Inuit arrived late in the evening and more are on the way in. These Inuit are the Depot workers and will commence work tomorrow morning.
17-06-20 About half of the Inuit due here to work on the Depot have now arrived, the Saddleback's crowd, and Shorty's and a few others have yet to come in. Work commenced on the Pier this morning, and all Inuit on Post were employed at same, excepting Post servants who were employed as follows: Adam finished sheathing the Nannuk and commenced caulking her. Mooney and Koolilak employed during forenoon making trestle for Pier, and later assisting C. Bradbury to pack sealskins. Mattheuse and Moosa employed on Daryl's Engine. Nowdlak sewing patches over old reef points in Nannuk's sail. Sargieuktuk and Godiliak finished boarding up back of No. 2 store and are now at work on back of coal shed. Jamessie "B" and boy boiling seal fat. Women bringing water to kitchen, sewing fur bales, and filling empty barrels with water. Mr. Stewart making trestle in forenoon and later employed in Nannuk's cabin. This trestle is intended for use as a "[p]a[n]elling" for filling in the Pier. Several more comatiks arrived during the evening.
18-06-20 Several families from Etinik reached the outside of the harbour yesterday having got there by boat as they had no comatiks with them. Mr. Stewart sent out Mooney and Koolilak with teams to take in their gear. Mr. Stewart superintending work going on around the Post and at usual duties. C. Bradbury packing sealskins and trying to locate trouble on the Bystander. Apparently there is something wrong with the Piston. Mooney and Koolelak assisting C. Bradbury with sealskins and later as aforementioned. Adam and Lita caulking and puttying Nannuk's sides. Mattheuse and Moosa working at Daryl's engine. Nowdlak finished Nannuk's sail this evening. Sargieuktuk and Godiliak finished boarding back of coal shed and commenced caulking Daryl's seams. Jno. Hayward assisting Mr. Stewart to rig us a trestle for the pier and later working along with Adam. Boys attending to skins and filling oil barrels with water. All women and Inuit from outside employed at Depot. Several more Inuit families arrived during the day.
19-06-20 Mr. Stewart interviewing Inuit etc. etc. C. Bradbury, Jno. Hayward and L.A. Learmonth rationing and paying Post Labourers and Depot workers. All the Inuit on the Post employed during the forenoon as on yesterday, in the afternoon, off hunting and fishing there being a half-holiday. Mooney and Koolilak walked in from Mouth of the harbour having left their teams with the Etinik families out there, who will have to make one or two trips to get all their gear in.
20-06-20 Usual services held by Kidlapik. Some of the Inuit families including Shorty arrived in the afternoon.
21-06-20 Mr. Stewart superintending work going on, and variously engaged in connection with the Pier building, blasting, etc. etc. C. Bradbury working at Stationary Engine and trading with Inuit in store and at work in the office. L.A. Learmonth working in the office. Jno. Hayward, Adam, Lita, Nowdlak, and Koolilak employed caulking and puttying Daryl. Jamessie and Mooney cutting and boiling Seal Fat. Anningn[a]uk and Mattoo sharpening Drills and crowbars etc. Boys working at Sealskins and filling oil barrels with water. All other men and women on Post working at Pier, on which work is going ahead well.
22-06-20 Mr. Stewart and Mooney making gables for Depot Store, the building of which is to commence shortly. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth working in office. Jno. Hayward, Adam, Koolilak, Nowdlak, and Lita scraping and painting sides and deck of Nannuk. Jamessie and Iolat working at Seal Fat. Isheuktuk and Annogak employed on Nannuk's engine. Mattheuse and Moosa making repairs to Daryl's engine. Anningmeuk & Mattoo blacksmithing. Remainder of hands on Post working at Pier.
23-06-20 Mr. Stewart and Mooney finished Gables for Depot Store and commenced cutting uprights. C. Bradbury painting counters on No. 1 Store and working in the office. Mattheuse and Moosa making repairs to Daryl's engine and painting. Isheuktuk and Annogak employed on Nannuk's engine. Sargieuktuk employed painting Daryl. Jno. Hayward, Adam, Koolilak and Nowdlak employed painting Nannuk, and scraping masts and cabin. Jamessie whitewashing stores. Boys folding sealskins and at sundry odd jobs. Women washing Nannuk's cabin and gunwales. Remaining hands working at Pier.
24-06-20 During the last few days the ice in the Harbour has been disappearing rapidly, and it is now open water almost as far as the Nascopie's anchorage. Mr. Stewart employed with men making scow for rock lifting purposes, also carrying rocks in same to Depot, carrying altogether five good loads. Isheuktuk and Annogak employed in Nannuk's Engine room. Hayward, Adam, Nowdlak, Godiliak and Koolilak employed on Nannuk painting, scraping cabin and making lockers. Sargieuktuk, Mattheuse and Moosa painting Daryl. Mooney and Boys cutting uprights for Depot store walls. Everyone else employed on Pier. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth working in office.
25-06-20 The Harbour is now very nearly open and in fact should be quite clear of ice by another day or so. From the top of the hill at back of Post no ice can be seen clear of Oulatchevik. Mr. Stewart making another scow, running the various jobs going of, and working along with men at Pier building operations. C. Bradbury working at Pier and in office. L.A. Learmonth working in the office. Daryl'screw as on yesterday. Nannuk's crew painting, caulking deck, oiling masts, and repairing cabin. Jamessie whitewashing. Mooney employed along with other men on scow. Women washing walls of No. 5 store. Eight scow loads of rocks were dumped at the Pier during the day. More could have been handled but at present it is [nip] tides.
26-06-20 S.J. Stewart superintending all work going on, and at various jobs in connection with Depot. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth giving out rations to Inuit labourers working at Depot and to wives of regular Post servants. Remainder of men and women on Post employed as on yesterday during the forenoon, off hunting and trouting in afternoon.
27-06-20 C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth rationed Etinik families. Usual services held by Kidlapik.
28-06-20 The Harbour is now packed with shore ice owing to the Southerly and Easterly winds. Isheuktuk and Annogak employed cutting spare propeller for Nannuk. John Hayward, Adam and Mattheuse relaying foundation for Depot store. Sargieuktuk and Nowdlak caulking, puttying and repairing salmon boat. Jamessie filling barrels with boiled oil from puncheons. Mooney, Moosa, Godiliak and Koolilak employed with men on the crib on the Island. Remainder of Inuit working at Depot having put in their best day so far. S.J. Stewart working at Depot foundation, the Island crib, and fixing Depot store doors ready for hanging. C. Bradbury working on Island crib. Lita making three quarter rounds for Nannuk's cabin.
29-06-20 A school of porpoises appeared in the harbour during the forenoon one of which was killed by one of the Inuit. John Hayward, Adam and Mattheuse employed relaying foundation for Depot store. Isheuktuk and Annogak making three quarter rounds for Nannuk's engine room and getting the latter ready for painting. Sargieuktuk and Nowdlak employed in salmon boat. Moosa, Mooney, Koolilak and Godiliak at work on Island crib. Jamessie making bungs for oil barrels. Lita making three quarter rounds for Nannuk's cabin and puttying White Fox. S.J. Stewart working at crib, taking measurements for outside crib and attending to blasting operation etc. C. Bradbury making axels for broken wheel barrows and working at outside crib. L.A. Learmonth working in office.
30-06-20 Another school of porpoises appeared today one being killed by Pudloo. S.J. Stewart, John Hayward, Mattheuse, Lita and Adam employed building Depot store. Sargieuktuk and Nowdlak finished salmon boat and started work on the dinghy. Mooney, Moosa and Koolilak working on Island crib. Isheuktuk at carpenter work in Nannuk's cabin and engine room. L.A. Learmonth and C. Bradbury closing monthly accounts. All remaining hands at outside crib.