John Hayward

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Hayward was the Lake Harbour interpreter in May 1920 but left sometime after 05 08 20 presumably to take up another post; he was replaced temporarily by Thomas Palliser and eventually by James Palliser.
01-05-20John Hayward, Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Adam, Sargieuktuk at various repair jobs aboard Nannuk.
03-05-20Jno. Hayward, Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Adam and Sargieuktuk, Godiliak and Nowdlak all off early this morning on a deer hunting expedition, which will probably last about a week.
10-05-20John Hayward, Isheuktuk, Adam, and Sargieuktuk working aboard Nannuk.
11-05-20John Hayward, Adam, Sargieuktuk, Godiliak and Nowdlak at repair jobs on Nannuk.
12-05-20John Hayward at small repair jobs.
13-05-20John Hayward made two foot scrapers today, one for the office door and one for the house.
15-05-20John Hayward, Adam, Nowdlak working at seal scaffold.
17-05-20John Hayward interpreting and at various jobs outside.
18-05-20John Hayward sorting and packing furs etc.
19-05-20John Hayward repairing waggon wheels and assisting Adam aboard Nannuk.
20-05-20John Hayward, Adam and Kollelak making lanyards on Nannuk.
21-05-20John Hayward and Adam continued to make lanyards for the Nannuk.
22-05-20John Hayward and Adam measuring Coal Oil and Gasoline and at sundry odd jobs.
24-05-20John Hayward and Isheuktuk set off to hunt seals for dog feed but had to return on account of the bad weather. Later John repaired Nannuk's fog horn and Isheuktuk working at odd jobs.
25-05-20John Hayward and Adam completed the lanyards for Nannuk's back stay and later on were occupied cutting sheathing for the vessel.
27-05-20John Hayward and Isheuktuk repairing side of Nannuk and making new sheathing.
28-05-20John Hayward and Isheuktuk putting sheathing on Nannuk.
29-05-20John Hayward and Isheuktuk, Annogok and Adam working at Nannuk.
31-05-20S.J. Stewart and John Hayward along with the majority of the Inuit went out to the site of the old Depot and took down the house there, the remainder has yet to be brought in.
01-06-20Mr. Stewart and Jno. Hayward along with all the Inuit except Jamessie and the women and boys, went out to the old Depot and took in the remaining parts of the house from there in the forenoon.
02-06-20Mr. Stewart, John Hayward and all the male Inuits, with the exception of the boys, were employed re-erecting the old Depot house.
04-06-20John Hayward and remainder of men employed on Inuit kitchen (Depot House) which they completed this evening, excepting fittings which will be finished later.
05-06-20In the afternoon Adam, Jno. Hayward, Nowdlak, Godiliak, Kolilak, and Jamessie started off on a hunting expedition which will probably last about a week.
12-06-20Jno. Hayward, Adam, Nowdlak, Godiliak, Jamessie "B", and Koolilak returned from a week's hunting expedition, getting more than twenty seals between them
14-06-20Jno. Hayward indisposed and confined to bed.
16-06-20Jno. Hayward still confined to bed, but well on the way to recovery.
19-06-20C. Bradbury, Jno. Hayward and L.A. Learmonth rationing and paying Post Labourers and Depot workers.
21-06-20Jno. Hayward, Adam, Lita, Nowdlak, and Koolilak employed caulking and puttying Daryl.
22-06-20Jno. Hayward, Adam, Koolilak, Nowdlak, and Lita scraping and painting sides and deck of Nannuk.
23-06-20Jno. Hayward, Adam, Koolilak and Nowdlak employed painting Nannuk, and scraping masts and cabin.
24-06-20Hayward, Adam, Nowdlak, Godiliak and Koolilak employed on Nannuk painting, scraping cabin and making lockers.
28-06-20John Hayward, Adam and Mattheuse relaying foundation for Depot store.
29-06-20John Hayward, Adam and Mattheuse employed relaying foundation for Depot store.
30-06-20S.J. Stewart, John Hayward, Mattheuse, Lita and Adam employed building Depot store.
01-07-20S.J. Stewart, John Hayward and all regular Post servants with the exception of Koolilak and Godiliak were employed at the Depot store.
06-07-20S.J. Stewart and John Hayward with a crowd of Inuit employed laying in position the uprights for outside crib during the afternoon, and in the forenoon at various jobs in connection with the Depot.
08-07-20John Hayward, Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Moosa and Sargieuktuk form the Daryl's crew.
12-07-20John Hayward fixing back door of Depot store and at work on crib. John Hayward reports that the catch of fur there for the winter is very poor.
13-07-20John Hayward, Adam, Lita, Navolia and Mukkevik and Okkoleuk fixing Depot store floors and doors.
14-07-20John Hayward making handles for Depot store doors, etc.
15-07-20John Hayward, Adam, Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Annogok, Moosa, Sargieuktuk, and Maliktok engaged on preparations for launching Nannuk.
16-07-20John Hayward working at Nannuk's gear and at work on the bridge.
17-07-20S.J. Stewart, John Hayward and usual gang commenced to mount the crane on the outside crib and should complete same by Monday.
19-07-20S.J. Stewart, John Hayward and usual gang working at crane on outside crib.
20-07-20John Hayward, Moosa and Mattheuse painting windows and doors of Depot store.
21-07-20John Hayward repairing salmon boat and at sundry odd jobs.
22-07-20John Hayward and the Nannuk's crew put up partitions in the Depot store for the various Posts of the district.
23-07-20John Hayward and Nannuk's crew took one of the rafts to pieces and used the board to finish the flooring of outer part of the Pier also putting up Nannuk's top sail.
24-07-20John Hayward and Nannuk's crew as well as all remaining hands on the Post at work on the Fill during the forenoon.
26-07-20John Hayward interpreting.
27-07-20John Hayward painting and at sundry odd jobs.
28-07-20John Hayward repairing office
29-07-20John Hayward at sundry odd jobs about the house.
31-07-20John Hayward making up a stationary box etc.
05-08-20S.J. Stewart and John Hayward left early this morning in the Daryl to try and get in touch with the Pelican. John Hayward with Daryl arrived here about eleven P.M. and reported Pelican having lost her propeller, and was unable to get in without assistance. L.A. Learmonth and John Hayward left here about midnight with Nannuk and Daryl to tow her in at the first opportunity.