April 1921

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01 - 0708 - 1415 - 2122-30
01-04-21S.J. Stewart and J. Cantley at office work. W.J. Peters getting provisions ready for his trip to Dorset. Jas. Palliser cooking buns etc. for same trip. M.L. Manning at office work. Narlucktuk and Kipernik working at Seal nets, getting water etc. Adam and Mattheusie fixing dogs' traces etc.
02-04-21 S.J. Stewart and J. Cantley at office work. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters rationing Mess and Servants' Wives and cleaning up stores. Jas. Palliser and Mattheusie [cooking] and Narlucktuk and Kipernik cleaning foxes.
03-04-21 Nothing of importance happened today.
04-04-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley and M.L. Manning at office work. W.J. Peters indisposed. Jas. Palliser, Mattheusie, Sargieuktuk and Jamassie taking snow from the sides of the house, as spring is in the air. Kipernik and Narlucktuk at odd jobs.
05-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work. J. Cantley and W.J. Peters left this morning for Dorset Post, the latter to relieve Mr. Pennell, who comes top Lake Harbour to await further orders. James Palliser, Jamassie and Narlucktuk and Kipernik cleaning snow off the roofs of the stores.
06-04-21 S.J. Stewart at office work. M. Leo Manning visited his traps in the forenoon, but got nothing, in the afternoon employed in office. Jas. Palliser, Narlucktuk and Kipernik visited their traps also but got nothing; in the afternoon at various odd jobs.
07-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser and the rest of the Post Servants employed taking sealskins from scaffold to No. 4 Store to soak, also at odd jobs.
08-04-21 S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit all day. M. Leo Manning serving in store. Jas. Palliser interpreting for Mr. Stewart. Narlucktuk and Kipernik getting water and at Seal Nets.
09-04-21 S.J. Stewart at office work. M. Leo Manning rationing Mess and Servants' Wives and later cleaning up stores and serving Customers. Jas. Palliser and Kipernik at odd jobs.
10-04-21 Nothing of importance happened today.
11-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Matto and Jamassie cleaning up No. 3 and restoring flour, and also at Seal Nets. Kipernik and Sandy getting water and at odd jobs. Sargieuktuk arrived from Etinik this morning bringing with him the mail from Dorset which he received from Pudloo.
12-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Kipernik andSandy at Seal Nets.
13-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Kipernik and Sandy at Seal Nets, the latter two also getting water and doing odd jobs.
14-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M. Leo Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser at work o nSeal Net. Kipernik and Sandy getting water etc. , and at Seal Nets.
15-04-21 S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit all day. M. Leo Manning serving in store. Jas. Palliser interpreting for Mr. Stewart. Kipernik and Sandy getting water etc. and at seal nets. Sargieuktuk also employed at Seal Nets. Jamassie cleaning foxes.
16-04-21 S.J. Stewart at work in office and trading with Post laborers. M. Leo Manning rationing Mess and serving in store. Jas. Palliser, Jamassie, Sandy, Kipernik and Sargieuktuk cleaning up workshop etc. Spring is in the air now and today the first bird was seen, it being a snow-bird.
17-04-21 Nothing of importance occurred today.
18-04-21 S.J. Stewart at office work. M. Leo Manning visited his traps in the morning, but got nothing and in the afternoon employed in office. Jas. Palliser, Sandy, Sargieuktuk, and Kipernik set off this morning for a deer hunt and will be gone about a week. Jamassie clearing snow off veranda and at Seal Nets.
19-04-21 S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit and working in office. M. Leo Manning serving in store and at office work. Jamassie getting water and at seal nets.
20-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work in the forenoon and in the afternoon checking foxes in No. 5 Store. Jamassie cleaning foxes.
21-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at work in office. Jamassie cleaning foxes, at seal nets and getting firewood and water.
22-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M. Leo Manning at office work. Jamassie working at Seal Nets, getting water and taking down storm windows. Jas. Palliser, Sargieuktuk, Sandy and Kipernik arrived from the Deer country about 8 P.M. this evening, having secured 11 Deer and Jas. Palliser getting 2 foxes,[Sakultok] one and Mattheusie one.
23-04-21 S.J. Stewart at office work. M.L. Manning cleaning up stores and Rationing Mess. Jas. Palliser and Inuit employed at odd jobs.
24-04-21 Nothing of importance occurred.
25-04-21 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser and the Post Inui temployed clearing away snow, which fell last evening, from the doors of the house etc. Mr. C. Bradbury arrived from Frobisher Bay in the afternoon with Godiliak, Jacobie and one or two others.
26-04-21 S.J. Stewart and C. Bradbury at office work. M.L. Manning at office work and at work in store. Jas. Palliser and Inuit cleaning up No. 10 Store and No. 5 also.
27-04-21 S.J. Stewart and C. Bradbury at office work. M.L. Manning packing goods for Frobisher Bay and getting provisions for trip. Jas. Palliser making new boards for cometic, the Inuit putting gravel on ice in front of the Nannuk as it melts the ice fine.
28-04-21 S.J. Stewart , C. Bradbury and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser and the Inuit on Post clearing away snow from the House and Stores.
29-04-21 S.J. Stewart and Jas. Palliser trading with Inuit. M. Leo Manning serving in store. Jamassie ,Kipernik, Sandy and Sargieuktuk at odd jobs.
30-04-21 S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit, with Jas. Palliser as interpreter. M.L. Manning rationing Mess and serving Inuit. Jamassie, Kipernik, Sandy and Sargieuktuk at odd jobs.